Monday, October 15, 2012

Believe in Your Specialness

Wondering about all the cold distrust in the air,
The laughter as you silently say you don't care.
The crying in the night believing she was the one,
Waiting alone till morning, as she finishes her fun.

Such a cold and lonely existence that you hide away,
The truth will surely come out of your mouth one day.
Is it really worth the pain in your heart you've carried,
To say she is your wife and so happy that you are married?

What a sham, what a rue, when you know your life's a lie,
You go on with a brave face wishing your love didn't die.
The fake laughter in the morning the smile as she wills it,
Never living for yourself or doing anything to cause her fit.

Maybe you don't realize the rest of us know your true state,
You can get out of this before your heart hardens with hate.
Perhaps you do not know you are valued by more than a few,
For the wonderful man you are, for the specialness of you!

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2012 All Rights Reserved

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