Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dreaming From my Heart

Laying my head on my fluffy pillow for a short slumber,
Dreaming of our perfect love too many nights to number.
Remembering the sweet reunion as I drift off to dream,
You are miles away in a different cosmic world it seems.

When your arms wrap around me filling me with content,
Kissing my forehead and cheeks as sweet as it is meant.
My heart melts in loyalty, our bond is true and chaste,
While my clothes fall off in a furry of lovers' haste.

I love the way your clear eyes sparkle as they look my way,
An enchanting memory I keep with me throughout each day.
And as the sunlight wakes me with your dazzling smile,
I smile inside knowing I'll be with you in a short while.

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2013 All Rights Reserved

I Like Dreamin' Kenny Nolan

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