Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Harmony of Souls

From the highest mountain top I will sing,
For the greatest of love on angel wings.
You have come to me with the brightest sun,
Made me believe you are my only one.

The peace of a dove, the spirit of quest,
At last I have found the best of the best.
Your arms surround every inch of me,
My body melts into our destiny.

Our energy flow that we can create,
Makes living in love all the more great.
I dream of us each night as flesh meets flesh,
Harmony of souls, true love I confess.

You have my support each and every day,
And we have total love in every way.
Thank the heavens above we are soulmates,
That you are here now, I just couldn't wait!

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2010
All Rights Reserved

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