Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Your Bewitching

Enchanted by your sweet soul in a way that leaves me twitching,
The combining of our energies brands my mind in your bewitching.

My heart craves a uniting in more ways than you can ever see,
My mind is in meltdown as you silently merge in our destiny.

Never a memory has crossed my thoughts that is so enlightening,
The brightness of the sun, the electricity in a bolt of lightening.

The shock wave of this meeting constantly occupies my idol thoughts,
Never anyone to admit to this, the memories are mine till I'm caught.

I would cross the ocean, climb to a mountain top, battle fiercest winds,
Until I am safe in your arms, until the seperation of us at last ends.

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2010
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Angel Wings said...

In all ways my intuition guides me rather than the logical ego who would rather put such connects in Earthly confines. Judging would mean to rely on experience and fears to analyze this connection. It defys wordly knowledge ... you can try to seperate yourself,but once you see them it starts all over again. Once you dream of them, the memory is reopened. Truly a soul connection.