Friday, June 15, 2012

Silent Allegiance

I wonder if you know when you say hi;
My body trembles, it makes my heart cry.
For I held you in my true mind as great;
Was greeted with bitterness and deep hate.

I wonder if you know I pray each night;
For God to heal your heart and make us right.
For you must be in more pain than I am;
When someone gives you love you give venom.

I wonder if you know how hard it's for me ...
To quietly help your broken heart be free.
My gifts and kind actions were sincere;
For one who in my heart and soul is dear.

I wonder how I remember us and you not;
The scars inside your mind leave deaths rot.
But through prayers in my silent allegiance,
Maybe you'll soften your dark vengenance.

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2010
All Rights Reserved

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