Friday, June 15, 2012

Some of the Joys In Life With Each Other

Some of the joys in life with you include:

Sitting up talking to you till late hours,
Going to B & N sitting reading and sipping coffee,
Buying a $5 pizza and watching nature at the park,
Going for long rides in the country on a sunny day,
(I'll never forget our first ride in the country!!)
Cuddling up next to you watching a movie ...
Sometimes at home and sometimes at the theater,
Watching your face light up when I enter the room,
Seeing you smile because I said something funny,
Sharing a laugh or sharing one of our personal jokes,
Loving your hugs when I trust someone I shouldn't have,
Hearing your sigh when I am in your arms,
Hearing you say I LOVE YOU, over & over again,
Feeling your breath on my neck when you are softly talking,
Feeling your heart race while I am lying on your chest,
Feeling your love in my heart when we kiss,
Dreaming of a future where there are no limits together,
and loving I am your wife in every way!! :)

Some of the joys in life you love about me: (Thank you for sharing this with me!)

You love that I am yours,
You love staring into my eyes,
You love my smile,
You love my inner person,
You love my thoughtfulness,
You love my loving and caring ways,
You love the way I hug you,
You love the way I kiss you, gorgeous and beautiful you can see all the energy,
You love sharing a meal with me and staring at me across the table,
You like having pizza in the park,
You like having coffee at Barnes & Noble,
You like going for drives in the country together,
You like watching movies together, especially -----,
You LOVE skin on skin ;),
You love it when I make you things - food, cards, scarves,or afghans.
You love it when I ... ooops this is the PG version (LOL)

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2012 All Rights Reserved

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