Friday, July 2, 2010

Divine Protector

Together again in my heart and soul,
Surrender to true love, my final goal.
Love words bring me solace in each hour.
Your heart talks to mine giving me power.

So much devotion to me for who I have become,
What a refreshing change from the hatred of some.
Still the cruelty has lead me back into your arms,
Basking in our one heart, submitting to your charms.

You will keep me safe from the calculating attacks,
The spiritual growth of true love is what life lacks.
But it can now be with the angleic acts you display,
I thank God you are my protector each and every day!!

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2010
All Rights Reserved


Angel Wings said...
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Angel Wings said...

All mankind does have flaws and some more disserning than others. Mine is to trust and believe that all mankind have good within them. I try to understand flaws or reasons for soul growth, in myself and others. Rejection of an open heart is accetable, destruction is NOT!