Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Enchanting Power

My soul can never forget the love in our heart,
More beautiful then words from the very start.

As you stand beside me like an unwavering tower,
My heart gets sucked into your enchanting power.

What a beautiful smile with a sparkle that dances,
It's all about true love and God's second chances.

Destiny calls to me each and every nightly slumber,
Asleep, but in your arms too many dreams to number.

Devastated by daylight as you are gone once again,
To live your life of lies wanting wealth among men.

In darkness, a Godly man seeking the love of spirit,
By sunshine, wanting possessions and false love in it.

Still I feel our sadness that I wish life could heal,
Prayers out for ego's lost soul who dares not to feel.

Copyright © Michele Osborn, 2010
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Angel Wings said...

Interesting comment. Where is the use of force? I am speaking of a mythical man who only exists in my dreams and in the real world does not exist. One whom my ego has created and reality pales in comparison.